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"Eco-friendly" paper
packaging links to deforestation

Environmental activists in Indonesia

speaks on packaging & fast food industry's link to deforestation.

Everest Base Camps to remain despite of Climate Change Threat

Ima Kimura


Alarming  wildlife
trafficking in
Sulu-Celebs Sea region

Latest report by Traffic indicates 25,000 live

creatures and over 120,000 tones of wildlife

parts moved by traffickers through Sulu-

-Celebes Sea region.

Steve Garcia

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The Everest base camps in Nepal to remain in its current location, despite safety fears stemming from climate change melting the Khumbu glacier beneath it.

Anita Douglas

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of n. 2024 to 2028 to be the hottest year eve
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Overfishing in South
Atlantic damages
marine life

Changes in Amazon could
effect the 
Tibetan Plateau

Overfishing caused by human activity have 

significantly damaged marine ecosystems

in South Atlantic Ocean.

Scientists have found a link between extreme

weather in the Amazon rainforest and climatic events in the Himalayas.

Andrew Miller

Mary Buckner

Ghana's forest threatened by the Illegal Miners

Illegal gold mining activities are destroying Ghana's reserve forests along with the pollution of water bodies.

Samuel Addae

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